Friday, 9 March 2012


Hey guys, just wanted to do a quick little update.
I've just created my own Vimeo which all my animations/motion design work will be posted on so go check that out if your interested.
I've uploaded a small preview of the animation I am working on at the moment which is all about New Zealand and our identity. The part that's on Vimeo now is a section showing heritage and in particular, British heritage.
By the way, the full animation should be completed by the end of the weekend.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

8-3-2012 Goals

- Plan each aspect of New Zealand culture and the imagery to go with each of them.
- If, by the end of the day I still have no reply from my artists, e-mail my backup artists

Monday, 5 March 2012

06-03-2012 Goals

- Get close to a final logo design today, as I can't do too much work on my art making project until I get home. (Animation/Video editing software needed)
- Get 2 back-up artists as I still haven't heard from either Jonny Kofoed or Andy Mueller.
- Gather basic information on these two new artists.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Week 6 Goals

- Complete reading response #1
- Complete final version of the logo
- Research/questions sorted, ready for interviews
- Complete art making assignment

Thursday, 1 March 2012

2-3-2012 Goals

- Scan in a final 'Under construction' logo, ready for the web design team. (Done)
- Complete basic research on Jonny Kofoed and Andy Mueller. (Done)
- Contact Artist's via e-mail, asking for an interview. (Done)